Redis 源码在哪里


  • 《Redis 设计与实现》黄健宏
  • 《Redis5 设计与源码分析》陈雷

Redis 核心源码

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Redis 基本的数据结构(骨架)

  • Github 官网说明

    Other C files

    • t_hash.c, t_list.c, t_set.c, t_string.c, t_zset.c and t_stream.c contains the implementation of the Redis data types. They implement both an API to access a given data type, and the client command implementations for these data types.
    • ae.c implements the Redis event loop, it's a self contained library which is simple to read and understand.
    • sds.c is the Redis string library, check (opens in a new tab) for more information.
    • anet.c is a library to use POSIX networking in a simpler way compared to the raw interface exposed by the kernel.
    • dict.c is an implementation of a non-blocking hash table which rehashes incrementally.
    • cluster.c implements the Redis Cluster. Probably a good read only after being very familiar with the rest of the Redis code base. If you want to read cluster.c make sure to read the Redis Cluster specification (opens in a new tab).
    • Redis 对象 object.c
    • 字符串 t_string.c
    • 列表 t_list.c
    • 字典 t_hash.c
    • 集合及有序集合 t_set.c 和 t_zset.c
    • 数据流 t_stream.c ;Streams 的底层实现结构 listpack.c 和 rax.c(了解)
  • 简单动态字符串 sds.c

  • 整数集合 intset.c

  • 压缩列表 ziplist.c

  • 快速链表 quicklist.c

  • listpack.c

  • 字典 dict.c

Redis 数据库的实现

  • 数据库的底层实现 db.c
  • 持久化 rdb.c 和 aof.c

Redis 服务端和客户端实现

  • 事件驱动 ae.c 和 ae.epoll.c
  • 网络连接 anet.c 和 networking.c
  • 服务端程序 server.c
  • 客户端程序 redis-cli.c


  • 主从复制 replication.c
  • 哨兵 sentinel.c
  • 集群 cluster.c
  • 其他数据结构,如 hyperloglog.c、geo.c 等
  • 其他功能,如 pub/sub、Lua 脚本